The Program


The What

Unlock the mystery that is you. Align with your soul’s purpose. Connect with a deeper meaning.

You have come here to learn lessons, to have certain experiences, and to reflect your unique purpose into the world.


The How

Using visual imagery, image making, and exercises designed to give you greater truth and clarity, you will part ways with uncertainty and begin joyfully embracing clarity.

The Theory

Life develops and evolves as a Spiral.  We complete a cycle of high activity, then pause, assess, and decide what to commit to next, as the Spiral expands upward.

Often, transition seems like the place where nothing is happening, that moment in between, where one chapter ends and a new one has not yet begun.  

This place of “no thingness” can be uncomfortable and frustrating, but nevertheless, necessary.  It is also a place of evaluating and choice-making.


The Journey

Transition begins with…

  1. An ending, losing and letting go.

    Emotions:  Fear, anger, and uncertainty.

  2. The Neutral Zone (“No-thingness”).

    Emotions:  Resentment over the involuntary change and anxiety over what is next.

  3. The New Beginning.

    Emotions:  Renewed commitment to moving forward and excitement.

Adapted from William Bridges’ 1991 book, Managing Transitions

“Listening now, I realize everything we were told is wrong.”

— Anonymous